Dear friends,
Praised be Jesus Christ, anointed to bring glad tidings to the poor!
I know it's been a few weeks since I've sent a newsletter out - sorry for the hiatus, and I'm glad to say our Friday flocknotes have returned!
From our Works of Mercy -
For the Food Pantry - last week, we served 19 families/55 people! The Food Pantry will be open next on Saturday, Feb. 15, from 10-11am (snow date: Feb. 22). For February, we are asking for donations of canned fruit and vegetables.
For Our Daily Bread - Thanks to everyone who donated casseroles last week, we were able to make our January delivery to ODB. We still need 7 casseroles for our February delivery. If you took a pan, please return your frozen casseroles to the Parish freezer by Sunday, February 2nd.Please contact Bob at if you have any questions.
We are also organizing a Security Ministry here at St. Mary's. If you'd like to assist, please contact the parish office, and the ministry leaders will contact you.
Fr. John